Business economics

The purpose of the study programme in business economics and management is to educate students on the bachelor level providing them with the knowledge and skills for performing professional managerial tasks and for continuing their studies within the European educational framework. The students are expected to develop their abilities in specific areas of business economics and management, which is done through business cases, team work and consultations that form a part of our educational process.

Business economics and management

By taking this course, the student builds a wide platform of knowledge and skills in the area of economics and management, preparing him/her for responsible management and coordination of complex business activities, creative problem-solving in companies, as well as for a strategic development of their company’s potentials.


  • Upon completion of the bachelor academic studies in business economics, the student acquires the title BACHELOR WITH HONOURS IN ECONOMICS (240 ECTS);
  • Upon completion of the bachelor academic studies in management, the student acquires the title BACHELOR OF MANAGEMENT (180 ECTS);
  • Upon completion of the master academic studies (60 ECTS) the student acquires the title MASTER OF ECONOMICS (240+ 60 ECTS);
  • Upon completion of the doctoral academic studies (180 ECTS) the student acquires the title DOCTOR OF ECONOMICS (300+180 ECTS).



FBE BAS English language 1

FBE BAS Accounting

FBE BAS Enterpreneurship

FBE BAS Macroeconomics

FBE BAS Mathematics for economists

FBE BAS Business ethics

FBE BAS Business communications

FBE BAS Enterprise economics with microeconomics


FBE BAS English language 2

FBE BAS Principles of management

FBE BAS Business statistics

FBE BAS Marketing

FBE BAS Finance

FBE BAS Business law

FBE BAS Management Information Systems

FBE BAS Organizational behavior

FBE BAS Event management


FBE BAS English language 3

FBE BAS Leadership

FBE BAS Business enterprises analisys

FBE BAS Corporate management

FBE BAS International economic relations

FBE BAS Introduction to the EU Law and Institutions

FBE BAS Banking and stock market laws

FBE BAS Basics of branding


FBE BAS Strategic management

FBE BAS Monetary Economics

FBE BAS Economics of the EU

FBE BAS Human Resource Management

FBE BAS Public Finance

FBE BAS Financial markets

FBE BAS Knowledge management

FBE BAS Insurance

FBE BAS Marketing logistics


FBE BAS Banking and stock market laws

FBE BAS Services Marketing

FBE BAS Final paper



MAS – Branding

MAS – Business Negotiation

MAS – Financial Markets and Institutions

MAS – Forensic audit

MAS – International Finance

MAS – International Marketing

MAS – International Tourism

MAS – Managing the development of small businesses

MAS – Marketing Research

MAS – The Politics of Tourism in EU

MAS- Insurance services

Master thesis



DAS – General Methodology of Scientific Research

DAS – Quantitative Methods in Economy

DAS – Corporate Restructuring

DAS – Due Diligence

DAS – Economic Analysis

DAS – Financial Markets and Institutions

DAS – Globalization of World Economy and Transition

DAS – International Business Operations

DAS – Innovation and Knowledge Management

DAS – Strategic Entrepreneurship

DAS – Strategic International Marketing

DAS – Strategies of Competitiveness

DAS – Doctoral dissertation