The Rulebook
Based on the articles 31 and 55 of the Law on Higher Education (The Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia no. 76/2005 and 97/2008, 44/2010 and 93/2012, 89/2013, 99/2014, 45/2015, 68/2015 and 87/2016), article 63 of the Statute of Educons University, on 29/12/2016, the Senate has reached a unanimous decision on:
Article 1
This Rulebook regulates the basic principles of student and staff mobility and the process of
transferring ECTS acquired on another higher education institution.
Article 2
Educons University (further: the University) establishes inter-university cooperation and
promotes student and staff mobility and internationalization of its higher education programmes,
through staff and student mobility schemes.
Student exchange may take place within the framework of international student and staff
exchange programmes or on the basis of agreements between the University and another higher
education institution abroad.
Article 3
Outgoing students and staff must comply with the requirements outlined by partner universities
upon application.
All students and staff that meet the conditions will receive administrative support from Educons
University. The selection of candidates is performed at the host University for which the students
have applied.
The same procedure applies to the staff mobility candidates. If the number of applicants exceeds
the number of available positions, the Rector or the Erasmus+ coordinator give a
Article 4
Educons University student (further: the student) may complete a part of the same level study
programme at another university under the conditions postulated by the study programme and
the legal act of their faculty.
The universities from Article 1 sign an agreement that regulate the mutual rights and obligations.
The part of the study programme completed by the student at the other institution may include
one or more courses.
After completing this part of the study programme, the student continues their studies at their
home institution and transfers the accumulated ECTS for the exams passed.
Data concerning the completed study activities at the other university are entered into the student
booklet, issued at the student’s home institution.
In the process of recognizing the acquired ECTS, the coordinator evaluates if the student has met
all the requirements for the exams to be recognized. The recognition of the exams passed entails
also the recognition of the grades awarded.
Article 5
Educons University student (further: the outgoing student) may complete a part of the same level
study programme at another university in the country or abroad for the duration of up to one, or
at most, two study terms.
The student of another higher education institution in the country or abroad may complete a part
of their programme at another university in the country or abroad for the duration of up to one, or
at most, two study terms.
With the aim of providing the interested students and staff with information on the possibilities
and conditions of studying, and on the implementation of the curriculum and staff visitations at
the home and the host institutions, the University publishes an information package on its
The information package provides basic information about the University, information about
study programmes, living conditions (accommodation, eating options, insurance and medical
care), as well as about other accompanying activities.
The information package is issued in both Serbian and English.
Article 6
With the aim of providing professional, administrative and academic support for the exchange
students (for the outgoing and incoming students), at the level of the University and the faculties,
ECTS coordinators are appointed.
The tasks of the ECTS coordinator are regulated in more detail through an appointment decision.
Apart from ECTS coordinators, students receive support during the mobility from the
administrative services of the University.
Article 7
The incoming and the outgoing students continue their studies at their home institutions, upon
the completion of the mobility period, and they transfer the accumulated ECTS credits, which are
to be recognized in line with the Learning Agreement signed by both universities, i.e. faculties.
The main criteria for recognizing ECTS is the outcome of the learning process, as defined in the
study programme.
The decision to recognize the ECTS of the home institution student is made by the Rector, or the
Dean of the respective faculty, in line with the Learning Agreement.
Article 8
Through the Agreement from Article 7 of this Rulebook, the mutual rights and obligations of the
higher education institutions are stipulated, and they are to ensure adequate conditions of study
and stay of the incoming student at the host institution, such as: accommodation costs, food,
transportation, health insurance coverage, and other expenses of the guest student during their
stay in the country of the host institution.
The agreement is signed by the Rector of the University, i.e. the Faculty Dean, and an authorized
person from the partner higher education institution.
Article 9
The main documents that enable student mobility from Article 4 of this Rulebook and the
transfer and recognition of ECTS acquired at another institution are:
- Student application form, appendix to this Rulebook (Form 1)
- Learning Agreement, appendix to this Rulebook (Form 2)
- Transcript of Records, appendix to this Rulebook (Form 3)
The abovementioned documents are also issued in English, if the mobility scheme includes an
international partner institution. Similar documents are to be submitted by staff mobility
applicants, in line with the requirements of the respective host institution.
After the completed mobility period, the returning student or staff member must fill out and
submit a survey sent by the host University.
Article 10
The University, or the Faculty, archives the documents from Article 8 for the period outlined in
its regulative acts concerning documentation keeping.
Article 11.
This Rulebook comes into force eight days after its publication on the notice board and the
Educons University official website:
President of the Senate
Rector: Prof. Aleksandar Andrejević, PhD
Based on the Articles 41 and 65 of the Law on Higher Education (The Official Gazette of the
Republic of Serbia no. 88/2018), Article 63 of the Statute of Educons University, on
___/___/2018, the Senate has reached a unanimous decison on:
(SN. 173/2016 from 29/12/2016.)
Article 1
Article 2 of the Rulebook is amended to:
Educons University (further: the University) establishes inter-university cooperation and
promotes student and staff mobility and internationalization of its higher education programmes,
through staff and student mobility schemes.
Student exchange may take place within the framework of international student and staff
exchange programmes or on the basis of agreements between the University and another higher
education institution in Serbia or abroad.
All students and staff that meet the conditions will receive administrative support from Educons
University. The selection of candidates is performed at the host University for which the students
have applied. The same procedure applies to the staff mobility candidates. If the number of
applicants exceeds the number of available positions, the Rector or the Erasmus+ coordinator
give a recommendation.
Article 2
Article 3 of the Rulebook is amended to:
Outgoing students and staff must comply with the requirements outlined by partner universities
upon application. If more students or members of staff apply, the decision will be reached by a
committee made up of three members appointed by the University, based on the qualifications of
the candidates for the given mobility programme. Those who wish to dispute the decision of the
committee may file a formal complaint within 5 days upon receiving the decision. The complaint
is to be submitted to the Office for International Cooperation and to the Faculty Dean. The
decision on the complaint on the decision from paragraph 2 of this Article is to be reached by the
Committee within 3 days upon the submission of the complaint.
Students with disabilities may also participate in the mobility programmes, provided there is
adequate infrastructure for their learning process, and the possibility of hiring a professional
interpreter for those with impaired hearing.
Article 3
Article 6 is amended to:
With the aim of providing professional, administrative and academic support for the exchange
students (for the outgoing and incoming students), at the level of the University and the faculties,
ECTS coordinators are appointed.
The tasks of the ECTS coordinator are regulated in more detail through an appointment decision.
Apart from ECTS coordinators, students receive support during the mobility from the
administrative services of the University.
Incoming exchange students admitted into Educons University through an Erasmus+ programme
may also benefit from the services of the ESN international student organization.
Article 4
Article 7 of the Rulebook is amended to:
The incoming and the outgoing students continue their studies at their home institutions, upon
the completion of the mobility period, and they transfer the accumulated ECTS credits, which are
to be recognized in line with the Learning Agreement signed by both universities, i.e. faculties.
The main criteria for recognizing ECTS is the outcome of the learning process, as defined in the
study programme.
The decision to recognize the ECTS of the home institution student is made by the Rector, or the
Dean of the respective faculty, in line with the Learning Agreement.
With the purpose of evaluating the mobility process, both the outgoing and the incoming
exchange students at Educons University must fill out and submit an Erasmus+ survey
concerning the completed mobility period (the survey form is a standard part of this Annex and it
was compiled by the Erasmus+ coordinator on 16/01/2018). The deadline for the submission of
the survey is 30 days after the mobility end date, whereas all the participants of the exchange
programme who had completed their mobility prior to the publication of the Amendment to the
Rulebook must submit the survey until the end of March 2018.
The members of staff are issued certificates as proof of completed mobility by the host
institution, and this document may be used in the process of appointing candidates to academic
Article 5
Article 9 of the Rulebook is amended to:
The main documents that enable student mobility from Article 4 of this Rulebook and the
transfer and recognition of ECTS acquired at another institution are:
- Student application form, appendix to this Rulebook (Form 1)
- Learning Agreement, appendix to this Rulebook (Form 2)
- Transcript of Records, appendix to this Rulebook (Form 3)
- Proof of English language proficiency (issued by the English language instructor of the
The abovementioned documents are also issued in English, if the mobility scheme includes an
international partner institution. Similar documents are to be submitted by staff mobility
applicants, in line with the requirements of the respective host institution.
After the completed mobility period, the returning student or staff member must fill out and
submit a survey sent by the host University.
Article 6
This Rulebook comes into force eight days upon its publication on the notice board and the
Educons University official website:
President of the Senate
Rector: Prof. Aleksandar Andrejević, PhD