Ecological agriculture
The goals of the study program Ecological Agriculture involve achieving competence and academic knowledge and skills in the area of bio-sciences and applying them in the analysis, synthesis and forecasting of solutions and consequences in organic crop and vegetable farming. At the same time, attention is paid to the application of scientific principles, analytical skills and instrumental methods of analysis in practice; combining information technology; development of ethical, social, cultural and historical values and attitudes related to the management and rural development. Undergraduate studies are the first level of university education of an expert in the field of organic farming. In 2015, we have introduced the new 4-year programme Organic Crop and Livestock Production. The aim of the doctoral programme in this area is to train and educate the students for scientific research and further academic career in the area of agriculture and related fields. Doctoral students are expected to work independently and to critically assess original and science-based research.
- Upon completion of the bachelor academic studies, the student acquires the title ENGINEER OF AGRICULTURE (240 ECTS);
- Upon completion of the master academic studies (60ECTS) the student acquires the title MASTER ENGINEER IN AGRICULTURE (240 + 60 ECTS);
- Upon completion of the doctoral academic studies (180 ECTS) the student acquires the title DOCTOR OF BIOTECHNICAL SCIENCES (300+180 ECTS).
BAS – General plant protection
BAS – Agricultural mechanization
BAS – Agriculture and enviromental protection
BAS – Basics of ecological agriculture
BAS – Basics of good agricultural practice and integral agriculture
BAS – Basics of plant physiology and animals
BAS – Basics of vegetables preservation
BAS – Biodiversity and agriculture
BAS – Ecological fruit protection
BAS – Food analysis and food safety
BAS – Fundamentals of marketing in organic production
BAS – Harmful substances in the food chain of animals
BAS – Introduction to microbiology
BAS – Multifunctional agriculture
BAS – Nutrition of nonruminant
BAS – Organic animal husbandry
BAS – Organic vegetable production
BAS – Population genetics of domestic and cultivated animals
BAS – Rural development and agrotourism
BAS – Water protection and management in agriculture
BAS – Zoohygiene and animal health protection
BAS -Fertilization in organic agriculture
BAS – Sustainable use of natural resourses
BAS – Practical training 2, production practice
MAS – Agro-genetic resources and their conservation
MAS – Methods of research in agrobiotechnology
MAS – Mycotoxins and phytotoxins in the chain of animal nutrition
MAS – Soil fertility and soil biological activity
MAS – Special plant protection in Ecological Agriculture
MAS – Specifics of organic crop production
MAS – Sustainable agricultural systems
MAS – Technology of the production and processing of bee products
MAS – The application of modern technologies in livestock production
MAS – The production and processing of organic food
MAS – The specifics of organic livestock production
MAS- Final work – Master thesis
DAS – Scientific research methodology
DAS- Biofarm – source of high value products
DAS – Biological control in plant production
DAS – Biotechnology in Agriculture
DAS – Chemical and organic hazards in animal feed
DAS – Genetic Resourses in Agronomy and Breeding
DAS – Marketing in rural areas
DAS – Soil Quality Management in agriculture
DAS – Specificity of plant production
DAS – Strategic management in Agribusiness
DAS – Stress factors in agriculture